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Personal Branding


For the first project of the year, I was tasked with making a Personal Logo for myself that I could use to promote myself for general use. For the overall design, I ended up creating a brightly coloured cat for my logo.

At first, when I was given the assessment, I wasn’t sure what exactly I wanted to do until I was given the suggestion that I should draw my cat. A proposal that was meant to be a joke turned into my logo as I modified it into a moving liquefied cat that also portrayed my initials.

For the colours of the logo, I decided to go with bright colours so that the logo could stand out on its own while still being able to blend in and work alongside the other projects for the exhibition.

Finished Logo design;  Left-Right: Final logo with text, alternative colour set and Grey scale.

Finished Logo design; Left-Right: Final logo with text, alternative colour set and Grey scale.

Final Logo design animated.



Logo sketches

Logo sketches